Dr. Stephen Stern

stephen-portrait-cropIn the early and mid-1970‘s, I was actively exploring and discovering things about health and fitness. This led me to learn about nutrition, yoga, weight training and more.  I was on a journey to find my true ‘calling’ and how I could be of service to others. In 1977, after seeing Amy get relief from migraines with chiropractic care and learning about its philosophy and perspective of health and healing, it inspired me to be a chiropractor.

After graduating from Life Chiropractic College, Amy and I moved to Massachusetts in 1983. We had never been to New England and feel blessed to live here and call it our home.

In 1984, we opened our first office in Needham. We had steady growth and received many referrals because people got great results and liked our service. However, about my 3rd year of practice I was confused and frustrated. Though I was skilled in what I did, I was practicing in a way that wasn’t congruent with my concept of health and healing.

In 1987, I participated in a chiropractic seminar led by Dr. Donald Epstein, founder and developer of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA). His words resonated with my beliefs about healing and receiving NSA care re-ignited my passion in helping others on their healing journey. For the next 10 years, I immersed myself in being a highly skilled NSA chiropractor.

Along with Network Spinal Analysis, I have continued ongoing education which has deepened my understanding and connection to the process of healing.  My practice also incorporates Bio-Geometric Integration, DNFT, Polarity, Reiki, Breathwork and other Chiropractic techniques.  I don’t do the same thing or apply the same technique or approach to every person.  I meet people where they’re at with an open mind and do what serves them best.

I also have a passion in teaching people how to use their body in better ways.  Being certified as a GMB Trainer, Original Strength Clinician, and in Animal Flow — I guide people to exercise and move in ways that are safe and effective.  I show how getting fit can be enjoyable and sustainable.  The combination of chiropractic care and fitness training creates a body that is adaptable and resilient.

I rejoice in that I’m able to help people get relief from pain so they can live active, happy lives. I rejoice in seeing how chiropractic care and fitness education helps release tension and stress in the nervous system, which helps a person maximize his or her health potential. To all my past, current, and future patients … thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life’s journey.

in gratitude,

 To learn more about Dr. Stern . . .
https://gmb.io/stephen-v/ (2015 article and video about Dr. Stern and his fitness journey)
Fun at 71 (playlist of Dr Stern movin’ & groovin’ … Nov 2021)
From Raw Vegan to Carnivore – Webinar Interview of Dr Stern (Feb 24, 2023)
Instagram: #stephensterndc

Amy Stern

pic-amy-3-webAmy has worked in chiropractic offices since 1982.  With her friendly nature and outgoing personality, she greets all with a sincere smile.  As the office manager, she handles insurance matters, scheduling, and all the details for a smooth running office.  After a long, healing journey, Amy is cancer-free and is a great support for others who are dealing with serious health issues.  Amy makes the office environment fun and welcoming.

Amy and Dr. Stephen Stern were married in 1979 and are proud parents of their daughter, Rachel.
Amy enjoys fiction audiobooks.  For enjoyment, Stephen plays blues guitar, hikes in the White Mountains, and is a big fan of Boston sports teams.